
Kansas Promise Act Welder


Kansas Promise Act Scholarship Program

A new program has been developed by the Kansas Board of Regents and the Kansas Department of Education. This program provides service scholarships for students to attend an “eligible postsecondary educational institution” in specified programs.

Skilled labor is increasingly difficult to find for many of the businesses in Southwest Kansas and other regions. The goal of many civic and leadership groups in the area is to keep Kansas kids in Kansas by providing education and career opportunities. The Kansas Promise Act and the MJE Scholarship program are designed to reduce the financial burden for students and families and provide a path to secure employment.

The fields highlighted in the program are areas where a critical employee shortage has been identified and include:

  • Information Technology & Security
  • Mental and Physical Healthcare
  • Advanced Manufacturing and Building Trades
  • Early Childhood Education and Develop
  • And more.

A full list of eligible programs is available online.

Many area community colleges including Dodge City Community College, Garden City Community College, and Seward County Community College all have eligible programs that fall within these guidelines. To see a full list of colleges and eligible programs of study click here.

Students looking to expand their career opportunities and learn a skilled trade can learn more about the application requirements and process online. MJE, LLC and MJE Livestock Equipment have an established scholarship program to assist students entering fields like Diesel Mechanics, Welding, and other manufacturing programs. In addition to scholarships, MJE has also worked with colleges and universities to develop eligible internships. Our ultimate goal is to continue developing pathways for students to live and work in Southwest Kansas by increasing awareness of local opportunities.

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