A Golden Milestone As 2024 unfolds, MJE, LLC stands tall, celebrating 50 years of exceptional craftsmanship in agricultural construction. Founded in 1974 by the visionary Max Jantz with just one scraper, MJE has evolved into a dynamic enterprise under the leadership of Max’s children, Aaron Jantz and Heather Jantz. This incredible journey from a one-man […]
In an inspiring display of community leadership and collaboration, Heather Jantz, co-owner and COO of MJE, LLC, and Jami Helm, owner of Montezuma Drug, have joined forces to address a critical need in their community – affordable housing. These visionary women secured grant funding to develop housing solutions, focusing on underserved populations such as business […]
Throughout March, MJE has been introduced to more than 250 students across Southwest Kansas in many ways: Each of these sessions is specifically designed to introduce students to career opportunities available after graduation with MJE and other strong businesses on the High Plains. In addition, MJE provides scholarship/school pay-back opportunities to students interested in Welding […]
Long-term employees are the backbone to the success of MJE. Experience, dedication, and positive company culture are just a few of the benefits to having long-term employees on the job site.
Improving cattle handling basics can drastically effect handlers and cattle herds. Downed animal care and transporting cattle are crucial components of cattle handling basics.
Cattle Handling Basics are easy to implement and make a world of difference when it comes to working livestock.
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