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Cattle Handling Basics: Part 1 – The 5Ps of Effective Cattle Handling

Cattle Handling principals are fundamental techniques used by experienced caregivers to keep handlers and cattle safe and less stressed when working cattle.

4H & Cattle Culture: All-American Flair at the Gray County Fair

4H and Cattle Culture go hand-in-hand at the local county fair. This year’s theme is “All-American Flair at the Gray County Fair” and Gwyn Jantz walks us through what 4H means to her.

More than Construction – Building Relationships

MJE builds relationships even better than we build feedyards and dairies. Client relationships are our most valuable asset. Clear communication, comprehensive management, identifying problems, and providing solutions help MJE cultivate lasting relationships.

Building Sustainable Dairies

Dairies built with sustainability as the top priority are commonplace in the United States. Reusing & recycling natural elements whenever possible maximizes dairy sustainability.

Investing in the Future

MJE has a relentless focus on investing in the future. Using our time, talents, and dollars, we look for opportunities to help our community.

Municipal Contractor Services | An Overview

Municipalities, city councils, and city administrators have extensive lists of responsibilities. In addition to large-scale Ag Construction, MJE also has the experience to provide municipal contractor services and manage construction services for municipalities. With a range of contracting services for communities of all sizes, we offer the industry know-how, equipment, and workforce to complete your […]

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